We are a relationship driven partnership of advisors, their clients, a full-service independent platform and our team. At Highland we understand why so many practice owners are seeking independence but are hesitant to follow their heart. That is why we have created a custom partnership that delivers the control of independence with the comfort of a turnkey employee atmosphere. Our doors are open to successful advisors of all types who want an easier path to put the needs of their clients first.
Through LPL Financial we are able to combine an industry leading products and services platform with the high touch service of our experienced team. This enables us to offer you maximum control over your practice while removing all of the hassles of running a business. We will customize each relationship to fit your exact needs and be with you every step of the way and beyond. We value you not only as a business partner but as a group of trusted friends.
The right size matters. That's why it's important that we are just the right size to get to know every one of our partners and the specifics of how they do business. Numbers do matter when it comes to support ratios. Our partners enjoy a continual one on one experience for things such as sales and trade support, tech support and personalized problem solving. At Highland we will never grow beyond our ability to offer these close relationships. Whether it's a how are you doing phone call, a note and gift on your birthday, or a holiday celebration where everyone is invited, this is the culture of size that we embrace.
We are headquarted in Glen Allen, Virginia, and our team is comprised of experienced professionals with an average of over 25 years of hands on industry experience. Our culture was grown from the friendly regional atmosphere of the golden years of our business. While others are pursuing ever increasing sales goals, profit margins and a rising feeling of anonymity we offer a solution to independence and security that has evolved from this void others have created.